Publikacje 2020 - JCR

1. Sawicki J., Bączkiewicz A., Buczkowska K., Górski P., Krawczyk K., Mizia P., Myszczyński K., Ślipiko M., Szczecińska M. 2020. The increase of simple sequence repeats during divesification of Marchantiidae, an early land olant lineage, leads to the firs known expansion of inverted repeats in the evolutionarily-stable structure of liverwort plastomes. Genes 11:299
IF = 3.331

2. Kulik T., Bilska K., Żelechowski M. 2020. Promising perspectives for detection, identification, and quantification of lant pathogenic fungi and Oomycetes through targeting mitochondrial DNA. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(7):2645
IF= 4.183

3. Senetra A., Dynowski P., Cieślak I., Źróbek-Sokolnik A. 2020. An Evaluation of the Impact of Hiking Tourism on the Ecological Status of Alpine Lakes—A Case Study of the Valley of Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich in the Tatra Mountains. Sustainability 19(7): 2963

4. Nobis M., Gudkova P., Nowak A., Sawicki J., Nobis A2019. A revision of the genus Stipa (Poaceae) in Middle Asia, including a key to species identification, an annotated checklist and phytogeographic analysis. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 105(1):1-63

5. Ślipiko M., Myszczyński K., Buczkowska K., Bączkiewicz A., Szczecińska M., Sawicki J. 2020. Molecular delimitation of European leafy liverworts of the genus Calypogeia based on plastid super-barcodes. BMC Plant Biology

6. Kulik T., Brankovics B., Van Diepeningen AD., Bilska K., Żelechowski M., Myszczyński K., Molcan T., Stakheev A.A., Stenglein S., Beter M., Pasquali M., Sawicki J., Wyrębek J., Baturo-Cieśniewska A. 2020. Diversity of mobile genetics elemnets in the mitogenmomes of closely related Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto strains and its implication for diagnostic purposes. Frontiers in Microbiology