Publikacje 2019 - JCR

1. Dynowski, P.; Senetra, A.; Źróbek-Sokolnik, A.; Kozłowski, J. The Impact of Recreational Activities on Aquatic Vegetation in Alpine Lakes. Water 201911, 173.

2. Ropelewska E., Jurczak S., Bilska K., Kulik T., Zapotoczny P. 2019. Correlations between the textural features of wheat kernels and the quantity of DNA of Fusarium fungi. European Food Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00217-019-03240-0

3. Mizia P., Myszczyński K., Ślipiko M., Krawczyk K., Plasek V., Szczecińska M., Sawicki J. 2019. Comparative plastomes analysis reveals the firs infragenereic evolutionry hotspots of Orthotrichum s.l. (Orthotrichaceae, Bryophyta). Turkish Journal of Botany,  DOI: 10.3906/bot-1811-13

4. Źróbek-Sokolnik A., Dynowski P., Fenyk A. 2019. The morphological features and Biology of a relict and endangered woody plant species: Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench (Ericaceae). Plants 8(5), 129

5. Nobis M., Gudkova P., Baiakhmetov E., Żabicka J, Krawczyk K., Sawicki J. 2019. Hybridisation, introgression events and cryptic speciation in Stipa (Poaceae): a case study of Stipa heptapotamica hybrid-complex. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics: DOI: 10.1016/j.ppees.2019.05.001

6. Myszczyński K., Ślipiko M., Sawicki J. 2019. Potential of transcript editing across mitogenomes of early land plants shows novel and familiar trends. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10.3390/ijms20122963

7. Żelechowski M., Olszewski J., Kulik T. 2019. A preliminary survey of cultured Fusaria from symtomatic legume grains in north-eastern Poland. Toxins 11(10), 569

8. Łopieńska-Biernat E., Paukszto Ł., Jastrzębski JP., Myszczyński K., Polak I., Stryiński R. 2019. Genome-wide analysis of Anisakis simplex sensu lato: the role of carbohydrate metabolism genes in the parasite’s development. International Journal for Parasitology 49(12):933-943

9. Głowacka K., Źróbek-Sokolnik A., Okorski A., Najdzion J. 2019. The effects of cadmium on the activity of stress-related enzymes and ultrastructure of pea roots. Plants 8(1), 413

10. Borkowski J., Banul R., Jurkiewicz J., Hołdyński Cz., Święczkowska J., Nasiadko M., Załuski D. 2019. High density of keystone herbivore vs. conservation of natural resources: factors affecting red deer distribution and impact on vegetation in Słowiński National Park, Poland. Forest Ecology and Managment 450, 117503

11. Jastrzębska M, Kostrzewska M., Marks M., Jastrzębski W., Treder K., Makowski P. 2019. Crop rotation copared with rye cropping for weed biodiversity and rye yield. A case study of a long-term experiment in Poland. Agronomy 9(10), 644

12. Klichowska E., Szczecińska M., Ślipiko M., Nobis M. 2019. Different but valuable: Antropogenic habitats as genetic diversity reservoirs for endangered dry grassland species - A case study of Stipa pennata. Ecological indicators.