Publikacje 2014 – JCR

  1. Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., Sawicki J., Szczecińska M. 2014. Bucklandiella seppeltii, a new species of Grimmiaceae from Australasia, and its phylogenetic position based on molecular data. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38: 1214-1228
  2. Buśko M., Kulik T., Ostrowska A., Góral T., Perkowski J. 2014. Quantitative volatile compound profiles in fungal cultures of three different Fusarium graminearum chemotypes. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 359(1) 85-93. DOI 10.1111/1574-6968.12569
  3. Ciecierska H., Kolada A. 2014. ESMI: a macrophyte index for assessing the ecological status of lakes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186:5501–5517, DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-3799-1
  4. Dynowski P., Źróbek-Sokolnik A., Ciecierska H., Dziedzic J., Piotrowicz R., Hołdyński Cz. 2014. Application of GIS and GPS Tools in Qualification and Classification of a Lake’s Ecological Status. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(2), 639-646
  5. Ellis L. T., M Aleffi, A K Asthana, A Srivastava, V A Bakalin, N Batan, T Ozdemir, H Bednarek-Ochyra, E A Borovichev, M Brugues, M J Cano, S S Choi, D De Beer, J Eckstein, P Erzberger, V E Fedosov, A Ganeva, R Natcheva, C A Garcia, C A Sergio, R Garilleti, B Albertos, F Puche, S Gucel, M Higuchi, V Hugonnot, K Hylander, M Kirmaci, G Aslan, T Koponen, F Lara, V Mazimpaka, van Melick H, F Muller, H Ozenoglu Kiremit, B Papp, E Szurdoki, V Plasek, L Cihal, vand der der A, S Poponessi, M G Mariotti, J Reyniers, M S Sabovljevic, J Sawicki, V R Smith, A Stebel, S Stefanut, B Y Sun, J Vana, R Venanzoni. 2014. New national and regional bryophyte records 40. Journal of Bryology 36(3): 223-244
  6. Ellis Leonard T., Afonina Olga M., Asthana Ashish K., Gupta Reesa K., Sahu Vinay, Nath Virendra, Batan Nevzat, Bednarek-Ochyra Halina, Benitez Angel, Erzberger Peter, Fedosov Vladimir E., Górski Piotr, Gradstein Stephan R., Gremmen Niek J., Hallingback Tomas, Hagstrom M., Kockinger Heribert, Lebouvier Marc, Meinunger L., Nemeth C., Nobis Michael P., Nowak Arkadiusz S., Ozdemir Turan, Pantović Jovana, Sabovljević Aneta, Sabovljević Marko S., Pawlikowski Paweł, Plasek Vitezslav, Cihal Lukas, Sawicki Jakub, Sergio Cecilia, Ministro P., Garcia Cesar A., Smith Valdon R., Stefanut Sorin, Stow Sarah, Suarez Guillermo M., Flores Jorge R., Thouvenot Louis, Vana Jiri, Van Rooy Jaques, Zander Richard H. 2014 New national and regional bryophyte records, 39. Journal of Bryology, 36(2): 134–151
  7. Ellis Leonard T., Aleffi Michele, Tacchi Roberta, Alegro Antun L., Alonso Marta, Asthana Ashish K., Sahu Vinay, Biasuso A.B., Callaghan D.A., Ezer T., Kara R., Seyli T., Garilleti R., Gil-Lopez M.J., Gwynne-Evans D., Hedderson T.A., Kiebacher T., Larrain J., Long D., Luth M., Malcolm B., Mamontov Y.S., Newsham K.K., Nobis Michael P., Nowak Arkadiusz S., Ochyra Ryszard, Pawlikowski Paweł, Plasek Vitezslav, Cihal Lukas, Potemkin A.D., Puche F., Rios D., Gallego M.T., Guerra J., Sawicki Jakub, Schafer-Verwimp A., Segarra-Moragues J.G., Segota V., Sofronova E.V., Stefanut Sorin, Szucs P., Bidlo A., Papp B., Szurdoki E., Tan B.C., Vana Jiri, Vigalondo B., Draper I., Lara F., Yoon Y.-J., Sun B.-Y., Nishimura N. 2014. New national and regional bryophyte records, 41. Journal of Bryology 36(4): 306-324
  8. Ellis Leonard T., Bayliss J., Bruggeman-Nannenga M.A, Cykowska B., Ochyra Ryszard, Gremmen Niek J., Frahm J.-P., Heras P., Infante V.M., Hugonnot V., Mogro F., Plasek Vitezslav, Cihal Lukas, Sawicki Jakub, Schafer-Verwimp A., Stebel A., Stefanut Sorin, Vana Jiri, Yang J.-D., Lin S.-H., Hedderson T.A. 2014. New national and regional bryological records 38. Journal of Bryology, 36(1): 61-72
  9. Henrik Nilsson & Kevin D. Hyde & Julia Pawłowska, ..... Kulik T., .... (59 autorów). 2014. Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi. Fungal diversity, 67: 11-19. DOI 10.1007/s13225-014-0291-8
  10. Kucewicz M., Gojło E. 2014. Influence of achene heteromorphism on life-cycle traits in the annual weed gallant soldier (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.). Flora, 209 (11): 649-654, DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2014.08.010
  11. Kulik T., Brankovics B., Sawicki J., Van Diepeningen Ad. 2014, The complete mitogenome of Fusarium gerlachii, Mitochondrial DNA, doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.971275
  12. Kulik T., Treder K., Załuski D. 2014. Quantification of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium and P. verrucosum in conventional and organic grains by qPCR. Journal of Phytopathology, 16:1-2. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12348
  13. Plasek V., Sawicki J., Cihal L. 2014. Orthotrichum pamiricum, new epiphytic moss from Pamir Mountains in Central Asia. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38, 754-762
  14. Sawicki J., Szczecińska M., Kulik T., Gomolińska A.M., Plášek V. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of epiphytic moss Orthotrichum speciosum. Mitochondrial DNA, DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.961133
  15. Szczecińska M., Gomolińska A.M., Szkudlarz P., Sawicki J. 2014. Plastid and nuclear genomic resources of a relict and endangered plant species Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench (Ericaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(6), str. 1229-1238
  16. Szczecińska M., Sawicki J., Wołosz K., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of the South American endemic moss Codriophorus laevigatus (Grimmiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA, doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.971266
  17. Szoszkiewicz K., Ciecierska H., Kolada A., Schneider S.C., Szwabińska M., Ruszczyńska J. 2014. Parameters structuring macrophyte communities in rivers and lakes – results from a case study in North-Central Poland. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 415, 08, ss.16, DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2014034
  18. Źróbek-Sokolnik A., Dynowski P., Hołdyński Cz. 2014. In vitro callus and shoot organogenesis from leaf and stem explants of Chamaedaphne calyculata (L)Moench. Dendrobiology, 72: 85-92