Seminarium naukowego OL-PAN
Szanowni Państwo,
Informujemy, iż w najbliższy piątek 17.11.2023 r. o godz. 9.00 na platformie Zoom odbędzie się Seminarium OL-PAN, na którym wysłuchamy wykładu dr Julien Bobe z Fish Physiology and Genomics Laboratory, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRA), France, zatytułowanego:
Looking for a needle in a haystack: de novo phenotypic target identification reveals Hippo pathway-mediated miR-202 regulation of egg production
Dr Julien Bobe research project aims at investigating the molecular mechanisms controlling the formation of a fully functional oocyte able to be fertilized and support early embryonic development. A special attention is paid to the molecular mechanisms controlling micropyle formation, and to coding and non-coding maternal genes, especially microRNA. These studies are conducted mostly in model species (zebrafish and medaka) and with the extensive use of genome editing and functional genomics.In the context of an international consortium, dr Julien Bobe is also interested in the evolution of coding and non-coding genes and their expression after whole genome duplication.
Więcej informacji związanych z naszym gościem można znaleźć na stronie: klikając na nazwisko dr Julien Bobe.
Link do spotkania:
Identyfikator spotkania: 989 2383 9595
Kod dostępu: 210963
Z wyrazami szacunku,
Organizatorki Seminariów OL-PAN
*English version*
Dear All,
We would like to inform aboutOL-PAN seminar, which will be held on Friday, November 17th at 9.00 a.m on Zoom platform. Our speaker will bedr. Julien Bobe from Fish Physiology and Genomics Laboratory, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRA), France,presenting seminar entitled:
Looking for a needle in a haystack: de novo phenotypic target identification reveals Hippo pathway-mediated miR-202 regulation of egg production
Dr Julien Bobe research project aims at investigating the molecular mechanisms controlling the formation of a fully functional oocyte able to be fertilized and support early embryonic development. A special attention is paid to the molecular mechanisms controlling micropyle formation, and to coding and non-coding maternal genes, especially microRNA. These studies are conducted mostly in model species (zebrafish and medaka) and with the extensive use of genome editing and functional genomics. In the context of an international consortium, dr Julien Bobe is also interested in the evolution of coding and non-coding genes and their expression after whole genome duplication.
More information related to our guest can be found at the link: by clicking the name of dr Julien Bobe.
Link to the meeting is:
Meeting ID: 989 2383 9595
Access code: 210963
Best regards,
OL-PAN Seminar Organizers